This Website

I opted against using a popular website builder in favor of developing it myself. I did this for two main reasons: more customizability and control, and because Next.js 15 released with some cool new features I wanted to play with.

The core frameworks this site is built with are Next.js 15, React 19 (which is still in beta), (as a CMS), shadcn/ui, and Framer Motion.

So, why go through all of that effort?

const HOME_QUERY = groq`*[_type == "home"][0]{

export default async function HomePage() {
	const { data } = await sanityFetch({ query: HOME_QUERY, params: {} });
	const home = data as HOME_QUERYResult;

	return (

How the site's homepage is rendered.

Learning Experience

Next.js is rapidly becoming the industry standard in web development, and I thought I'd sharpen my skills and keep up with where the framework is headed.

This is not the first website I've ever made, and not the first with Next.js either, but it is unique as an experiment with a fully integrated, professional-level, webpage. I am able to edit virtually any part of the content without having to open the source code (yes I can do it even from my phone), and it was a really gratifying experience to finally see it work.

So yes, I could have gone the easy route, but I wouldn't have learned anything that way. I'd much rather spend a longer time expanding my skills (but in hindsight, it did really take up a lot of valuable time...).

Wrapping Up

So, if you explored this page, and liked its design, found it mobile responsive, and just so happen to be looking for a web developer, contact me! My links are on the homepage.